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Delegation Registration
To appear as a delegation at a council meeting, a Delegation Registration Form must first be completed and submitted to the Municipal Office no less than five (5) days before the intended meeting.  By completing this form, you are informing Council and Administration what you wish to speak about and this will help to better prepare all parties and aid in discussion.

Please refer to: Delegation Registration Form below
2023 Dust Control Program
The 2024 Dust Control Program is now accepting applications for the year.  Property owners can purchase 300 linear feet of dust control for $220.00 plus GST (total $231.00). The first 250 applications will be accepted, first come first served.  Deadline is April 30th, 2024.
Please refer to: Dust Control Form below

TIPP (Tax Installment Payment Plan)
Property taxes can be paid on a monthly or  lump sum basis by pre-authorized debit.  Monthly receipts will be mailed to the payor showing progress made by each payment.  Utility bills can also be paid on a quarterly basis by pre-authorized debit.  Utility statements will still be mailed to the account holder as to inform of the amount due.

Should a payment be rejected by the bank for non-sufficient funds (NSF), the amount will be reversed in the tax roll and a $30.00 fee will be charged.

To enroll in the TIPPs program to make monthly payments for taxes or quarterly payments for utility, an application form must be completed and be accompanied by a void cheque.

Please refer to: TIPPs Application Form below

Utility Connection Application Form
New homeowners or renters in Tyndall, Garson and Henryville must attend the municipal office to apply for utility service.  This enables us to obtain the current and correct contact information for our utility customers.  There is a $50.00 service fee to change the account to the new name.

Please refer to: Utility Connection Application Form below

FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act)
To make requests for information under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act, the application below must be completed and submitted to the RM of Brokenhead Administration Office.  A prompt reply will be provided.

Please refer to: FIPPA Application Form below

Cat and Dog Licenses
As per the newly passed Animal Control By-Law No. 2203-19, all cats and dogs in the Local Urban District of Tyndall-Garson are required to be licensed.  Licenses can be obtained from the LUD Committee or at the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead Office.  For more information, contact 268-6709.

Please refer to: Dog License Form below
Please refer to: Cat License Form below

Driveway/Access Application
Before a driveway or access is installed on private property, a Driveway/Access Application form must be submitted to the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead office with a $50.00 fee payment.

Please refer to:  Driveway Application Form below

Drainage Request
To request drainage work, please complete the application form and submit to the RM of Brokenhead office.  Please provide concise information as to the problem.  The issue will be assessed, and if need be, a survey and drainage license will be applied for.

Please refer to: Drainage Request Form below

Farmland School Tax Rebate
Farmland School Tax Rebate forms are automatically mailed to anyone who applied the previous year.  Forms are available at the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead Office and on this website each year.  The deadline to apply for the 2023 rebate is March 31st, 2024.  If you have any questions regarding this rebate program, please contact:

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation
Unit C - 284 Reimer Avenue
Steinbach, Manitoba
R5G 0R5

phone: 1-833-206-0480
fax: 1-833-467-1059
Please refer to:  Farmland School Tax Rebate Forms below

Education Property Tax Credit Advance (EPTCA)
All homeowners are eligible to receive a rebate on the property taxes for their primary residence in Manitoba.  You have to be living in that residence as of January 1st, 2023 to be eligible for $350.00 off your 2023 property taxes.  The deadline to apply is April 30th, 2023.  If you miss the deadline for 2023, you can apply to have the rebate credited to you on your personal income tax in the spring.  Forms are now available for the 2023 tax year.
Please refer to:  EPTCA Application Form below